GLSS News and Events


Upcoming events and exciting news at Greater Lynn Senior Services


The live switchboard at GLSS is CLOSED until further notice.

Contact Your Representatives! Make Sure Nonprofits Are Included in Pandemic Response Emergency Funding!


Video containing information about the COVID19 coronavirus and the efforts being taken to defeat it


As Directed by the Lynn Public Health Department

Memory Cafe Spring 2020 Meetings.png

The March 19, 2020, meeting of the "In the Moment" Memory Cafe has been cancelled as part of a general policy of minimizing group interactions during the current public health crisis.

Room for All of Us Speaker Event 2-20.png

Some tips for staying healthy during the COVID19 outbreak


Decision-making in Later Life training cancelled

Picture of Kathryn C. Burns

Kathryn C. Burns to Begin New Post on March 16