Being Prepared for Flu or Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Everyday Precautions for Everyone:
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, using a tissue or the inside of your elbow. Discard used tissues right away.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water, frequently use hand sanitizer.
- If you have a fever or feel sick, stay home and call your healthcare provider.
- Get the Flu vaccine—it is not too late!
- Have a 14 day supply of non-perishable foods and items with a lengthy expiration date on hand in case you or your family members cannot get to the store to shop. (See other side for a list of suggested food items to have on hand.)
- Keep a 14 day supply of over-the-counter and prescription medications available.
The Massachusetts Department of Health updates its information regularly and will provide necessary information for Massachusetts residents.
Find the latest on the Coronavirus (Covid19) here:
Suggested Food Items to Have on Hand:
- Peanut Butter
- Whole Wheat Crackers
- Nuts and Trail Mixes
- Multigrain Cereals High in Fiber
- Granola and Power Bars
- Dried Fruits
- Canned Tuna, Salmon, Chicken, and Turkey
- Canned Vegetables (no salt added)
- Canned Soups and Chili (low sodium)
- Boxed Pasta and Spaghetti Sauce
- Sport Drinks (such as Gatorade or PowerAde)
- Powdered Milk
- Frozen Dinners (such as Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, or Smart Ones)
- Paper products (towels, toilet paper, tissues) and soap
**Focus on foods that are high energy and high protein. Look at calories, nutrients and fiber, while avoiding high salt and high sugar content foods.**